Bachelors of Arts (BA) in Management at Sabanci University: $21,500/year (Scholarship Available)
In today's world where competition, change, development and globalization are experienced, it is important to design a management program suitable to the rapidly changing context and centered around change and development. This has been our main principle in designing the Sabancı University Management Program: an organic, international, change-oriented undergraduate program, built upon the most essential managerial skills.
The spine of our program consists of the skills that all managers should acquire, such as the ability to prepare presentations and reports, to make effective use of electronic spreadsheet programs and a theoretical platform helping in gaining knowledge on subjects such as economics and game theory. In many of our courses, we expect our students to prepare presentations and take part in teamwork to develop their skills in working together.
We have designed our program to be flexible and open to additional developments. While keeping our required courses at a minimum, we have strived to avoid restricting our students' to only one area and choosing only one discipline and we have provided our students with the flexibility to choose from many areas within the wide spectrum of management courses. We have also not limited the electives to those concerning management, we have made the elective pool sufficiently large so that students can pick courses along the lines of their interests. We try to keep our program up-to-date with courses that we offer in different topics and new areas.
We have enriched our program with an international perspective, encouraging the learning of foreign languages other than English by including those courses in our free electives pool. Through the bilateral exchange agreements we have signed as the Sabancı Business School and through active participation in the Socrates/Erasmusexchange programs, we highly encourage our students to take courses abroad. We provide opportunities for our students to prepare for to their future in the increasingly globalizing world.