Bachelors of Science (BSc) in Molecular Biology, Genetics & Bioengineering at Sabanci University: $21,500/year (Scholarship Available)
The Molecular Biology, Genetics and Bioengineering program (BIO) is geared to developing an integrated scientific perspective comprising the fundamentals of molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics and cell biology, all of which are built upon a solid background in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Courses on the exploitation of biological systems for developing new technologies and industrial applications reflect the biotechnology dimension of the program. The bioengineering dimension is axed on an understanding of engineering concepts and techniques, which is facilitated by access to undergraduate courses of an interdisciplinary nature. Students learn to apply engineering principles to the re-conceptualization of of biological phenomena and are trained to acquire skills for developing new materials and processes, including genetic modification of agricultural plants.
The BIO program is well equipped in every way to turn out properly trained graduates capable of filling both research and management positions in industrial and research institutions operating in various areas of the biological sciences and biotechnology.