Bachelors of Science (BSc) in Architecture at Altinbas University: $4,000/year (After Scholarship)
Within the framework of a learner-centered educational approach, the Department of Architecture aims to maintain an active participation of students to the learning process, encourage learning by doing, develop skills of connecting relations, criticizing, interpreting, and synthesizing. The courses in the curriculum serve for connecting theory and practice and developing both generic and subject-specific competences of students. Area elective and free elective courses, together with the opportunities of minor or double major programs, encourage the development of a holistic approach to architecture. Design studios, computer-aided design laboratories, libraries, and conference halls will serve the architectural education at Mahmutbey Campus. The learning process will be enriched through workshops, conferences, ateliers, exhibitions and field surveys convened as part of the program. Specialists will be invited to share their experiences in professional and academic fields with the students. Altinbas University Department of Architecture aims to educate its students as open-minded individuals, critical inquirers and creative designers who possess ethical, societal and environmental responsibilities. The graduates are envisioned to play active roles in related professional and academic fields as problem solvers and pioneers of innovations in Turkey and the world.
Career Prospects: The majority of the graduates on Architecture degree can continue in architecture, while others seek new directions, such as web design, graphics, project management, energy management, construction and housing administration e.t.c