Master of Middle Eastern (Non-Thesis) at Isik University: Tuition: $8,000 USD Entire Program (Scholarship Available)
Middle Eastern Studies
Graduate Program in Middle Eastern Studies (Masters with Non-Thesis)
Program Description
One of the stormiest and war-ridden regions of the world, the Middle East has always drawn academic, political and everyday attention. The history of the region goes back to ancient times, and the region hosts a variety of world peoples, cultures, religions and civilizations. Today, leaders and decision-makers of consolidated Western democracies as well as great powers like Russia and China feel the need to deal with the politics of the Middle East for their future benefits. Researchers and policy makers around the world try to understand what is going on in Syria and Iraq today, and how the West's current deal with Iran will affect the world peace and regional dynamics in the future. What has been going on with the recent Arab uprisings in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya show to the entire world that the Middle East is and will continue to be one of the major heartlands of world politics.
The main objective of Işık University's MA program in Middle East Studies is to provide students with a critical understanding of the political, economic and cultural dynamics that shape the region. The program is of an interdisciplinary nature, designed to offer a multifaceted perspective ranging from economics and international relations to history, anthropology and political science. The MA program in Middle East Studies is a non-thesis program, which requires 30 credits of course work and a term project for graduation. One of the strengths of this program is the elementary language education in Arabic and Hebrew. Classes are scheduled on evenings or weekends, and are taught entirely in English. The program is located at our Maslak campus, conveniently located in the business center of Istanbul and easily accessible by urban transport.
Who can apply?
The program is open to interested individuals from diverse backgrounds, who aim to specialize in the Middle East politics, economics and culture. We welcome graduates from all disciplines, state and military personnel, NGO members, think tanks, other voluntary associations, the private sector and the media.