Master of Arts - History - Public History at University of West Florida - Pensacola: Tuition: $16,624.00 USD/year (Scholarship Available)
Prepare to succeed in a rapidly changing and increasingly connected world. With a Master in Arts in History from the University of West Florida, students will conduct independent research, evaluate popular claims of “historical fact,” identify social patterns and reveal the voices of people from all backgrounds.
The faculty are passionate about teaching and working with students, something students don't often find at larger institutions. UWF also has access to a living-learning lab with the UWF Historic Trust and the Digital Humanities Lab on campus. The trust is a non-profit direct support organization managing thirty properties in the Pensacola National Register Historic District, giving students hands-on, real-world experience.
The public history track trains students in the various aspects of public, or applied, history outside the academic setting. Students will work in two or more areas of public history including community history, museum studies, policy history, environmental history and/or media history.
Admission Requirements
- Minimum Level of Education Required: 4-Year Bachelor's Degree
- Min GPA: 77.0%
- English Proficiency Requirements:
For direct admission, applicant must be from an English speaking country or meet either of the following English test scores:
- Min TOEFL iBT: 79 (Min Listening: 19.0)
- Min IELTS overall: 6.5 (Min Listening: 7.0)
- Other test requirements: GRE Test required
- Min GRE requirement: (Min Verbal & Quantitative combined: 151.0, Min Writing: 4.0)
Other fees:
- General Fees: $2,046 per year
- International Student SEVIS Fee: $100 per year
- Orientation Fee: $50 (one time)
** All fees are subject to change without notice